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MCB Welding certifications



Ensuring quality is of great importance to your organisation. In addition, welding often has to comply with international standards. By certifying welders, methods and processes, you can meet these requirements. We offer expert advice, guidance and provide certification to guarantee your quality.




Some of the standards in which we supervise or certify:

NEN-EN 1090-1 and 2 

NEN-EN 1090-1 has been harmonised from 1 July 2014. Manufacturers, importers and distributors are required to CE mark construction products for which a so-called harmonised standard has been drawn up.  

This European standard prescribes the requirements for establishing conformity of performance characteristics for structural steel and aluminium components, as well as for building kits marketed as construction products.  

NEN-EN 1090-1 and NEN-EN 1090-2 are standards for load-bearing steel structures as a basis for CE marking. It is prohibited to market a construction product for which the European Commission has published a harmonised European standard and the coexistence period with regard to that standard has expired, if that product does not bear the CE marking relating to it. 

NEN-EN-ISO 9606-1 and 2 
Qualification of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steel 
Qualification of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys

Your certifier: Jan Smeets

Jan Smeets has more than 10 years of hands-on experience in the metal industry. He supervised projects in various sectors: from waste and agro industry and earth-moving equipment to projects in the sheet metal industry from various materials. Jan is originally an electromechanical engineer and also recently obtained his IWE diploma.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question? Feel free to contact us or find out if the answer to your question is listed here:

Whom is certification for?

Any company that employs welders and wants to guarantee their quality through certification can contact us. We can also certify welders working for you on a self-employed basis.


How does certifying work?

We customise the certification process. Based on a number of questions, we determine exactly what you need to guarantee the quality of your (welding) process. 

Even if you have no experience in certifying welders or welding method qualifications, we can support you so that we can achieve better quality monitoring together. We give you all the information you need to prepare for the welding tests. 

We come on site during the welding tests and give the welders clear instructions to increase the chances of achieving a positive result. We also ensure that the test welds are examined in the prescribed ways and provide feedback on the result. Finally, we provide you with digital and printed certificates.

When does certification take place?

In consultation with you, a date or several dates will be planned.


Where does the certification take place?

A certification is usually carried out at your location. Contact us to make an appointment with our certifier.

What do I need to prepare for a certification?

During an initial meeting, we will discuss a number of parameters with which we start the certification process. Our certifier will indicate which test parts you may provide and what dimensions these parts should have.



Jan Smeets

Weldingconsultant MCB

"Welding is more than just craftsmanship, it is a passion that also connects people."